I getting paid for this? No? Why not? A handsome stud like me should charge
an emperor's ransom to have myself worshipped on a shrine like this! (Tasuki:
Get real, Taka. I wouldn't pay a cup of sake to see your face anywhere.)
What did you say? Why I ought to…hmmm. If it weren't for these nice ladies
looking I'd clobber you right now. Hello there! I am Tamahome from Fushigi
Yuugi (The Mysterious Play) by Yuu Watase. That's not my real name
though. It's Sou Kishiku. You can call me Obake-chan (little ghost). Tamahome
is my seishi name, meaning crab (according to one subtitled episode!).
I was born on June 28 in Hakukou village in Konan Country. I'm 17 years
old in the anime. I stand 180 cm (5'11"-that's an inch taller than you
are Genrou!). My blood type is O and my seishi symbol is ghost/ogre (depending
on which subtitle you're watching) on my forehead. My constellation is
the crab/cancer. (Tasuki: It suits you, Taka.
You do look like a crustacean) Ah, shut up
Tasuki! Okay, what else? I'm the oldest son in a family of five. I have
two younger brothers and two younger sisters. My father is sickly and my
mother died when I was 12. So that makes me the sole breadwinner of my
family. So you can see why I'm constantly thinking of ways of making money
(tear falls from cheek). It's the only thing I can do. At least I don't
steal it like this carrot top, ne, Genrou? (Tasuki:
Lekka shinen!)
almost got snagged by that one. Gosh Genrou, you're losing your touch!
(Tasuki: Shut up, *&@#$%?)My
specialty is Martial Arts. And the one other thing I love, other than money,
is Yuuki Miaka. Right Mi-chan? Fortunately,
the object of my affection loves me too (winks). Lucky me, huh? Sorry guys,
I got to her first. Tasuki here, Genrou to the rest of the world, is my
BEST FRIEND, ain't that right, carrot top? Yeah, yeah, we love to argue
and kick each others butt every now and then, ne? I was the last seishi
to drop, but then I got to send that nasty Nakago
to the world beyond. Do you want to see pictures of me? That'll be fifty
gold coins. Yeah, just drop it in this sack. Line up, ladies so you can
see this hunk in all his gorgeous glory, blue hair, green eyes and all!
Hey give that back, Tasuki! Hold on, I'm going to give this sorry carrot
top what he's asking for. (Runs to chase Tasuki). Enjoy sightseeing!
by Baby Elephant
in truth and in fact, the
actual meaning of Tamahome is Take-me-home! And this is one bishounen I'd
definitely slid in a sack to bring home to Mom! Before I fell head over
heels over Tasuki, I was drop dead over Tama-chan ^_^.
He had me lovestruck! I watched the first episode of Fushigi Yuugi, and
after 15 minutes, I wanted to marry him! Move over Miaka! Am I right in
saying he's the most popular FY character? Those eyes...that hair...I read
this note by Watase-sama that she recieved a load of protests when she
cut Tama-chan's hair in one episode. I love him even if he had no hair!
He's the most beautiful thing....I was in love with him for four months
before I fell for Gen-chan. The only about Tama-chan I don't like is his
being too nice and being a pushover sometimes. But other than that, I'll
take him for all he's worth...fifty gold coins notwithstanding! |