am Lantis from the series Magical Knights Rayearth. I am here thanks to
the request of. I come from the planet of Cephiro. I stand over 7 feet...age
unknown...blood type don't have to know and I am not required
to tell you. My brother is Shinkan Zagato. I like taking naps and Hikaru
^_^. I don't like...err...sweet things (that's food to you).
I am the younger
of the two of us, and despite the fact that we look rather alike and sound
alike (call it genetics will you), we are very different in personality.
I have been taught by Guru Clef to be the only Magic Swordsman in Cephiro.
I left for Autozam one day only returning after Princess Esmeraude passed
away. This led people to think that I am a spy. While in Autozam, I befriended
Eagle, son of the president and cheif commander of the battle ship NSX.
We were the closest of friends, but due to the fact that the Pillar of
Cephiro had passed away, Eagle was forced to betray me.
met the Magic Knights when they arrived a second time to Cephiro. For a
while, Hikaru constantly thought that I hated them since they killed my
older brother. I do not blame the Magic Knights but the Pillar system of
I may seem expressionless
and calm but deep inside me is a burning pain and desire. The pain of losing
my only remaining family, and the desire to prevent whatever happened from
recurring. My one true intentionis to destroy the Pillar system of Cephiro
so that no one should be left in pain, be deprived of being with the person
they love, and to alone decide the fate of an entire country.