We are orphans, seeing our parents murdered in cold blood before our eyes. All we have is each other, and thus I am very protective of Suboshi. All I want is an end to the war that has left us alone in the world. I do not want to see other children suffer as we have. Thus, I will do anything to achieve this goal. I am capable of even violence, when necessary to achieve this goal. And if a sacrifice of life is necessary, then I shall do it. My only desire is to live a peaceful life with my brother in a safe place. Okay, some spoiler warnings are issued here. The rest of my life, there isn't much of it really. The Suzaku seishi had discovered that I was not Chiriko- the seishi they were looking for. Apparently because I nearly got them killed by my deception. They chased me to a raging river, known for claiming victims by dragging them to their watery death. I lost my footing near the wall and almost fell…if Suzaku no Miko had not caught me by my flute. At that moment, I realized my wrongdoing and decided to repent by letting go of the flute and falling to my death. Funny though, I didn't really die…I was just knocked unconscious. I was found on the shores of Sailo by an elderly couple. I had lost my memory then, and so they adopted me and raised me as their own son. I was renamed Kaiku. I guess that's enough for now. No, I have no intention of telling you what happened to me and Suboshi at the OVA. That'll be too much spoiler already. Until then, see the small image gallery I share with my dear twin. Sayonara! |