Name - Michael Email - Date -- From - Phililppines |
Hello everyone! I am 15 from the Phil. I need friend someone who can advice me how to love the girls like my girlfriend that he can not know how to love me. Please..... Email me for the answer.! |
hi! i LOVE LANTIS SO MUCH! he is so bishounen. |
Name - NADIA Email - MAH_WS@HOTMAIL.COM Date -- From - PERAK |
Name - rey estp[eres Email - Date -- |
Name - Jon Seguin Email - Date -- From - Baguio |
I love watching samurai x and especially the cool stuff. |
Name - Sakura hinakou Email - Date -- From - canada |
Hi my name is sakura from "sakura's gundam wing site" At ..I like Nuriko the best out of all the characters but hotohori is still a sweet guy ~snif~ why'd they have to die? WAAAAAAAAAAAA Well, anways you havea cutie little site. |
Name - Annie Email - Date -- From - mass |
great site... alot of hot animen! Well i love ken Hadaka the best. I have a well obsessesiveness over him :: is that a word?:: well keep it up.I hope i see updates |
Name - MoOnstaR Email - Date -- From - Canada |
hi!!! i LOVE LANTIS SO MUCH!!! he is so bishounen!! anyway, keep ure site up!! |
Name - Julius Uy Email - Date -- From - Philippines |
Of Course! Nice work! Perhaps one of the best F.O.R. site that was ever made |
Name - Army Sta.Ana aka Heinell no Miko Email - Date -- From - Manila,Philippines |
EEEEEE!Zettai bishounen Henell sama!! Thank you for including my fave horned blond!!Many says he's not bishie. One day when I finally learned how to build a site I'll do a Zardos shrine for you bishie hungry guys.(Wanna fic that features this?email me!! |
Name - Kristina Joy Tan Email - Dont now Date -- From - Quezon City |
Name - lllDate -- |
lll |
Name - Ragabash Email - Date -- From - hell |
Excuse me, but why did you steal the graphics from my Yuuto Shrine, Nagisa? |
Name - Angel Email - Date -- From - Makai |
KAWAII!!!!! Kurei-sama!!!!!! :) I love this place... God bless! |
Name - GEorge Email - Date -- From - Philippines |
hi...yer image gallery aint working nice work!! |
Name - dA 1 ANd ONLy "HIME" Email - Date -- From - WiNnIpEg |
ummmm...... dis site is cool! das all i gotz to say |
Name - Taia Email - Date -- |
Great website! Very cute although I'd like to see new Guys to Adopt ^.~ Keep it up!!! |
Name - Justine Email - Date -- From - Yokosuka,Japan |
Waaaaiiii!!!!! such a hot site!!! U have very yummy picks for bishounen!! ^3^!! Oh yes have u heard of Hakkai Cho from Saiyuuki? U should check out that anime/manga!!! Just saying... Yummy site!!!! I drop buy a few times!!! Jya ne!! |
Name - jc Email - Date -- From - philippines |
super cool website!!! keep it up! Loved especially the part about Kurei and the lookalikes page! Expect that I visit frequently! |
Name - Yoshikawa Nao (Nao-chan for shorty) Email - Date -- From - Akihabara, Kounan, L4 Cluster Colony |
Nice site! Nuriko is hot and is best when he is a guy! kawaii! Ja! |
Name - Naaila Email - Date -- From - London |
My sis just luvs Darien! Thanx for putting up this site...keep it up! Im Outtie! |
Name - Ai-sensei Email - Date -- From - Canada |
*drool* bishonen... |
Name - Bombay Email - Date -- From - Thailand |
I like Omi vert much.He is so KAWAIIII! |
Name - hikoDate -- From - earth |
*drool* *drool* *drool* your page is soooo*drool* droolworthy keep up the good work! i love the page you made for me! |
Name - Lonica Email - Date -- From - hong kong |
that's great! |
Name - Flaminia Email - Date -- From - Italy, |
HOTHOTOHOTHOTHOT.... oops, that was "Audrey rose"!!! Well non matter, it really fits! Go on like that, I'll send here may friends. |
Name - Elektra-chan Email - Date -- From - Hogwarts (haha) |
You girls need to watch Revolutionary Girl Utena. There are so many gorgeous anime men in that series. Including my Mikage Souji...and my Tsuchiya Ruka... |
Name - Queen of the sounds!Date -- |
Wah!!!!!!!!!!!! Love Like Love Like Love your page There are so many bishounen!!! LOve them!! KEEP UP THE GREAT AND GOOD WORK BEFORE THE BISHOUNEN GET YOU!! (hehehehehehehe) -QuEeN oF tHe SoUNdS- -Also a Recca/Yusuke/Tokiya/Raiha/ fan!!- |
Name - M-chan Email - Date -- From - |
Just wanted to say ... Cool Site! SO many bishounen ... Ooooh, gotta love it! You've managed to collect lots of interesting info and pics. Great! Keep it up, ne! :-) |
Name - Hiei Email - Date -- From - Makai |
o.o @ poll |
Name - Jou-chan Email - Date -- From - Cali4nia also known as smogville |
What is this?! i see no Touga?! Whaaaaaa! why is this so! How can you not put him up?! And where is Marron and Carrot?! What about Inu-Yasha and Sesshoumaru?! Moose! So many peopl to add on!! Heehee. Anywho, I love ur adorable page. Sooooooo many cute animen and so little time *sigh* I demand more!! |
Name - Crazed fan Email - Date -- From - MWAHAHAHA |
Name - ICE YITOMI Email - Date -- From - a place |
Love of darkness is life of the soul. Love of hatred is the bodiesfall. Love of the light is in plain sight.Love of human shall rule. |
Name - Zero Celsius Email - Date -- From - U.S.A. |
I absolutely adored the fun and energetic enviroment of this site. It has a fresh approach and the loads of cute guys didn't hurt. :] Fabulous job. |
Name - tasukitty Email - Date -- From - the mountians of CT |
Kawaii site! i just love the idea of adoption(i've already adopted a chibi from another site) and im waiting to see if tasuki(my beloved tasuki) gets up there-unfourtunatly i may have to fight for him, won't i? but i'd also like to see Koji(from fy) from ranma: ryoga, mousse from Slayers:zelgadiss or xellos and from Sorcerer(bakuretsu) hunters MARRON!! if you need pics, you can always ask me, especcially for marron! but i love the site! keep up the good work! |
Name - Justine Email - Date -- From - Japan |
Wow!! I love your voting choices!!!! Keep up with this sweet page!!!! |
Name - MoOnstaR Email - Date -- From - Canada (but I'm Filipino) |
This is a very cool site!! AAAHHHH KUREI, TOKIYA AND KENSHIN R THE BOMB *drool* anyway, I hope u continue on making a very nice site, K??? well, have fun!!! |
Name - maricon callado Email - Date -- From - philippines |
it was such a nice website. i like the pictures of different anime characters. hope to see more new pics. |
Name - Niji Kurayamiko Email - Date -- From - Makai |
AAAAAAAHHH!! BISHOUNEN!!! *drools* KURAMA-SAMA!! TOKIYA-SAMA!! HOTOHOTI-SAMA!!! YOUKO KURAMA-SAMA! My gosh! So many bishounen in one site! I LOOOVVEE this site! Can I link it on my webpage?! Keep up the good work! Keep those bishounen on the bishounen page comin'! (I'm waiting for Tokiya or Kurama or Raiha to show up...^_~ |
Name - apple Email - Date -- From - WKML |
Ey! So I voted! YEY! Omi won second place!!!!!! I LOVE YOU OMI!!! |
Name - bruiseLee Email - Date -- From - phil. |
guyz!guyz!guyz!(i'm referring 2 U..not 2 d bishonen) if u manage 2 put in sano here... where d heck's Tsunan?? i'm frm a pretty "activist-oriented" maybe you could put in a fearless journalist instead of just kick-ass CK models....i!!!!what an "english seiyuu" 2 die 4!!!!!! |
Name - e Email - e Date -- From - e |
e |
Name - Arlene Email - Starboard Date -- From - Tampa |
Much thanks for actually giving Yuuto his own page! (Was i really persistent?) I didn't think you guys would do it but i am certainly quite happy you did! :-) I hope others will enjoy just as much as i do! Well, i love this site, it's one of my faves! Keep up the great work! :-) |
Name - missymeow or babybrat Email - Date -- From - Philippines^__^ |
to the great lukin',absolutely mysterious, smart,handsome,charming,super charmin' Tokiya Mikagami: *oops...i'm getting a little overboard* I LUV YOU!!!!!!!!YOU'RE THE COOLEST!!!!!!!!!! *screamin'& droolin'(obviously!) anyways,great place u got here. Tokiya-crazy, babybrat or missymeow * offense to those who adore the other bishounen!(peace!)* ^__^ |
Name - Aya Email - Date -- From - City of Angels |
...Ooohh! I love your page! The LookAlike section was very amusing. It is strange how I never noticed all the similarities between these anime characters/real people/Sanrio character...keke. Keep up with the good work! I shall visit here frequently. Ja ne! ^o^ |
Name - Hotoko Email - Date -- |
Hotohori, Ken, Tokiya, Aya, Nuriko, Tasuki!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *drools* Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! *drools* Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! *drools* a bit carried away there... ^_^: *apologizes profusely* Cool site ^_~ |
Name - Cat Email - Jedicouncil Date -- From - Australia |
I'm glad you included Hotohori.....Miaka is just plain crazy to choose Tomahome over that divine Bishonen babe. What about absolutely Number 1, Allen Schezar the beautiful knight of Asturia from "Vision of Escaflowne" , he is SOOOO beautiful the way that second pic in your miscellaneous section is of Laures-chan, the Prince of the Demon World from a beautiful the Manga called "Seimaden" , he is absolutely lush with incredible long black hair, other lovelies in that series is Teteiyus and Zadei... |
Name - raven Email - Date -- From - philz |
waaahhhh!!!.... another good site!! your site can make bishonen no miko's site make a run for it's money! i scanned your site and the "animen anonymous" site caught my interest... i'll be mailing your lil raptor for a more detailed descriptions of them BTW ... how 'bout the guys from escaflowne!!!! |
Name - JyJy Email - Date -- From - Philippines |
Hi!Would you mind if I use~uh... Ahem!!! Well anyway, I just wanted to say that I like your site. Waayyyy cooo I dunno how to choose a favorite here. I mean get a load of Ken's wonderful, handsome...aya's well his i dunno, build? Tama-chan's (uh, would you mind if I drool?) caring personality. Uh, I could go on fffforever!!!! Just keep up the good work okay? (ugh, I sound just like my teacher!!) Bye! |
Name - CrissyDate -- From - Philippines |
Thank you so much for putting Tokiya in here! He is my favorite Bishounen of all time!!! |
Name - Desiree Email - Date -- From - Singapore |
I love your page! All the BISHONEN guys are so cute!!! I was practically drooling. Keep up the good work And don't forget to put just kawaii guys on the page : ) |
Name - kittyne Email - Date -- From - uh...the Philippines...or from outer space would do! ^.^ |
nice! i like the site...hmmm, very gorgeous bioshounens. hehehe...go Tokiya! I like the graphics and i think you did a very neat job. the way, what happened to Tokiya nad OMI-kun?1 ^o^ anyway, keep up the good work and i believe you can do it! Ja! ^.^ hehehe...i shall go back to my cavern. wah! OMI- kun! Hori-sama! ^.^ |
Name - Karen Pascual Email - Date -- From - Philippines |
hello!!! i like ur page very much. and u have a very excellent tatse of choosing anime men... hehehehee... Keep it up!!!!!! |
Name - Blackjack Email - Date -- From - Oregon |
What about Setzerr Gabbiani from Final Fantasy VI? He's a babe!!! |
Name - WILDFIRE Email - Date -- From - konan koku |
Name - A-chan Email - Date -- From - inuyasha forrest |
the man with the black hair and red glove is Rauresu from Seimaden. ^_^ |
Name - RAIHA FANDate -- From - Singapore |
PLEEEEAAAAASEEEEEE add RAIHA-San I LOVE your page .Keep it up! |
Name - Roseanne Email - Date -- From - philippines |
i really love this site even if i visited this only once.. but starting from now i will surely enter this website address.. i love TAMAHOME soooo much and i wish he'll be for real and the same as my age so that we can be more than friends. he he he |
Name - Miko-dono Email - Date -- From - Australia |
Love that red hair love those violet eyes love that katana Love my Aya |
Name - omi-chan Email - Date -- From - Melbourne |
Konnichiwa!! Kumusta kayo? I just love your page. Ang *cool* naman yung idea ninyo. :ANIMEN: THE BISHONEN UNIVERSE! 0mi-chan: A place where you can escape reality and gaze and drool upon your favorite bishonen!! NOTE: Omi's two older brothers are MAsafumi and HIROFUMI, not *Ouka*. I've seen the Japanese version (English sub) of Wiess Kreuz and Lyka's name is OUKA!! Anyway gotta go, keep up the good work! Ja ne, ~Omi-kun's lover~ (Ang kapal ko naman, ne? ~_^) |
Name - Kristine Email - Date -- From - The states baby!(US) |
Hi Hi!! I really like your page.Yusuke is definately my most fav. bishy!!!!!!Once I'm done with my homepage, make sure U pay a visit okayz!I especailly love your Yusuke section.The reason I want to make a shrine to him iz ,because I feel bad about this great bishy not having that much pages dedicated to him, besides of the Hiei and Kurama page they're so many of them!!Anyway I'll shut up now. I just wanted to say your page is beautifully decorated!!!Well gotta go now =Toodles!!! ~Hana Nikko |
Name - Fuuko Kirisawa Email - Date -- From - Philippines |
Name - Takae SeichiDate -- From - Not telling! ^_^x |
What took you so long to include Seta-san?? But I am glad that you finally did. Sohjiro is one of my favorite character. |
Name - ........... Email - ............. Date -- From - ........... |
Mashado Kang Feeling kala mo ikaw si aoshi baka nga ipis lang ay kinakatakutan mo....... |
Name - Samurai 3000 AD Email - Date -- From - Malaysia |
Warrghh!!! Bishounens!!! I'm driving myself crazy over them! What more can I say? Bishounens are bishounens! |
Name - Ika Email - Date -- From - Indonesia |
Tokiya is so cute I just love him. Your page is great I love the detail you went to. But honestly some of these guys are not that cute. |
Name - Charaira Email - Date -- From - Philippines |
Cool!!!An I Like The lookalikes sections and Info about my Favorite animen |
Name - SanliDate -- From - New York Ciyt |
I absolutly love your site. Getting down to business, my very favorite anime boy is Omi Tsukiyono. I also love Amiboshi, Quartre (from Gundam Wing), Kamui (from X/1999), and Squall (from Final Fantasy 8). Sorry, I don't have a Email Address, but please IM me at FonG AiFai. |
Name - Chingi Email - Date -- From - Philippines |
GREAT!!! :) |
Name - Marjorie F. Flauta Email - Date -- From - Antipolo City, Philippines |
I like your graphics here but I want more about YouJi. Anyway, YouJi, you are the cutest & jolly member of the Knight Hunters. Don't compare yourself to Aya. |
Name - Das Rivera Email - Date -- From - Puerto Rico |
This site is a Masterpiece! I do a lot of navigation looking for a good site about Kenshin Himura and I found this site about Animen. It's really spectacular! I love your site. Althoug I'm a man I really enjoy those animen! Specialy the ones of Ruoroni Kenshin. Thanks for your deep exploration of this characters. ^_^ I only hope someone can do a similar work for ANIWOMEN! ^o^! Maybe I'm the one. Please I need help in te proyect! Contact me! And Support this site, it worth your time! Tambien puden contactarme en espaņol! ^_^ see ya! |
Name - ROgueMINA Email - Date -- From - Pearl of the Orient |
I loooooooove your page (and your Fuuko page too! Though, I'm rooting for a Tokiya-Fuuko-Recca love triangle ^_^;;). My faves are Tokiya and Youko Kurama. I hope you'll include a wallpaper section where we can all drool on the handsomest guys of the Anime world. |
Name - Aoi Akari Email - Date -- From - Philippines |
Naaliw naman ako ng sobra sa webpage nyo...pero one comment lang--Ken is mine!!! All mine!!! MWAHAHAHA! Ay wa-poise! Masyado kayong masipag. :) 'Yon lang.. Great site! |
Name - Diane Jomarie Tolentino Email - Date -- From - Philippines, Manila |
Love your site. Love Hiei, also known as Vincent. Take care. Babbu! |
Name - C. Wai Ying Email - nightwing2212 Date -- From - Singapore |
I really LOVE this site! Especially because it mentions a whole lot of info about TOKIYA MIKAGAMI (Flame of Recca) and KURAMA (Yu Yu Hakusho)! I love them! The graphics and design as well as the colours were really cool on all the pages I went to look at! Keep up the GREAT work! |
Name - annie Email - Date -- From - philippines |
you got the best fuuko shrine ever! you did a great job completing this shrine. you also like every guy i like in animation. well keep up the good work! annie |
Name - Manille Email - Date -- From - Philippines |
I just LOOOOVE your website, so many bishonen! Wai wai wai!!! Ne, I love the Yusuke shrine the best!!!![]() |
Name - Kevin Email - Date -- From - Cotabato City |
Name - Natsumi (head priestess and all) Email - Date -- From - where else? Philippines! |
Love the site! Of course you know where my favorite part is! *grins* Waiii! By the way, thanks for your banner contribs. I'm so endlessly grateful. I actually made one on my own! (Photoshop stopped haitng my guts) ![]() Oh yeah your title is up. I voted for Tokiya too! Um...I'm doing random babbles again. Well, keep up the great work I love the graphics and add more on Tokiya Mikagami: Baka! That's YOUR job! Natsumi: *blinks* Mikagami: What? Natsumi: *still blinks* Mikagami: WHAT?! Natsumi: *pounces on him* You actually ackowledged that I'm your head miko!! *huggles him* Mikagami: Noooo! I didn't!!! Tee-hee couldn't resist! *goes searching for her J/E dictionary...* blast can't find it...oh well... Ja mata! |
Name - gabbie Email - Date -- From - Singapore |
Tokiya is my favorite character in Flame of Recca!!! Do u have more pics of him?? |
Name - Utena Email - Date -- From - New York baby! |
Great page! Keep up the good work!:) |
Name - Lady Setsuna Email - Date -- From - USA |
GREAT WEB PAGE! I love all those pics of the sexy bishonen men! Keep up the great work! Can't wait to see more! |
Name - Calico-chan Email - Date -- From - Philippines |
I finally visited your page. But where's Omi-kun? No page is complete without Omi-kun!! Well anyway, It had bunches of other coll bishies to keep me Happy healthy and occupied. ^_^ Keep uo the good work guys! Lovey your pagey. I'll be sure to come back! Calico-chan PS: Can' wait for Omi. PPS: Where's Tokiya? PPPS: Soujiro rulz!! |
Name - Nami Fujimori Email - Date -- From - Kyoto, Japan |
What a neat page! It must've taken a lot of time and work! So nice to see almost all of my favorite bishounen in one place! Keep up the good work! |
Name - Amelya Email - Date -- From - Indonesia |
Great site! I love it!!! ^_^ |
Name - Jude Michael Y. Logarta Email - Date -- From - Philippines |
You are awesome. |
Name - Ana-chan Email - Date -- From - Anywhere Kurama is.. or Tokiya! *_* |
I love the graphics of this page! But.. where's Tokiya-kun? Ne... but I love Kurama's section of the site anyway... you hvae my thumbs up! ^.^ Just that... what happened to most of the pics? c.c; Heh. ^^ Anyway... Keep up the good work! ^.^ I know you can do it! Tokiya no Miko dessssuuu! ^.~ |
Name - Denise Choong Email - Date -- From - Singapore |
How unfortunate! The Tokiya page isn't up yet! But that's alot of choices you got there... Great work of searching huh? :] Good for you! Nice page! I like the graphics. Keep up the good work! ~Tokiya fan~ |